With real analog oscillators, famed Curtis low-pass filters, and analog VCAs, the Prophet ’08 is capable of reproducing the familiar sounds of its legendary predecessors. But modern features like a greatly expanded modulation matrix and additional modulation sources—such as three envelopes and four LFOs per voice—take it way beyond vintage gear and make it a worthy and unique addition to the Prophet family tree. Features include a gated 16 x 4 step sequencer, arpeggiator, split or stacked key modes with separate stereo outputs per layer, and rack ears for optional rack-mounting. The Prophet ’08 PE (potentiometer edition) use potentiometers (AKA “pots”) for more “vintage-style” control.
* Precio de alquiler diario; para dos días multiplicar por 1,5; para una semana multiplicar por 3 (21% de I.V.A. no incluido. No válido en islas.) Consultar condiciones de alquiler
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